Complex layers of human social behavior. Could it be that these are subconscious echoes of ancestral encounters between us modern Humans- Homo_Sapiens ALIAS '' Homo diddyoil'' and Homo_Neanderthals?


What if some of the traits we see in people from Europe, Africa, and Asia—particularly in India [ Dalits or their so called Black untouchables] —are in today's world of free education / much improved scientific chivalry and honesty from even European/ Arab/ Asian ETC scientists blatant manifestations of deeply embedded Neanderthal genetics, subconsciously influencing behavior even today?

Does the intelligence of anyone who thinks this has no basis or who finds this deduction totally illogical need to be questioned, scrutinized before God, Man and Data.  

One striking example is the town of Orania in South Africa, a place where racial segregation continues as you read, and Black residents are notably absent despite being in the heart of a predominantly Black continent.  Orania is in South Africa which is a country, a prominent country in Africa.

While this isn't an attempt to cast blame solely on the so described and titled separately, the separatists called Oranians, it raises the question: could some of this behavior be a subconscious projection of ancient Neanderthal instincts?

Separation everywhere you look where these type are allowed to even when it's not in their long term interest or sustainable in reality/ long term, they can't help it and I mean their most learned/ richest to the poorest/ most illiterate, as if they can't help this 

Now lets get back on track,

Neanderthals were among the earliest human species to migrate out of Africa, predating modern Homo sapiens. When modern humans, our direct ancestors, arrived in Europe from Africa, they encountered Neanderthals who had already adapted to the region. 

These early Homo sapiens, likely varying in skin tones due to adaptations to sun exposure and climate, eventually wiped out the Neanderthals. While physical traces of Neanderthals are long gone, what if their remnants are still within the collective unconscious of modern humans, shaping behaviors and prejudices in subtle ways? 

This ancient mentality  of "us Neanderthals  versus them humans" may still influence how certain groups are treated.

Consider the anti-refugee sentiment that has swept across parts of Europe in recent years. 

A glaring example is the incident involving Hungarian photographer Petra László, who was caught on camera deliberately tripping and kicking non white children as they fled from war and childhood abuse/trauma at home, something they never signed up for or had a decision/ say in,  she kicked children as they fled across the border in 2015. 

This act of cruelty sparked global outrage and highlighted the harsh treatment refugees face in parts of Europe. Similarly, refugee shelters have been targeted and set on fire in countries like Germany and Sweden, reinforcing a fear of "the other" and an unwillingness to extend compassion to those outside of the dominant group.

In contrast, the influx of Ukrainian refugees during the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war was met with an entirely different response. Europeans opened their doors, their hearts, and their resources to fellow Europeans fleeing conflict, with little of the hostility seen in previous refugee crises involving people from the Middle East or Africa. 

This clear double standard shows the A.B.C.of a selective empathy programming based on race and cultural familiarity.

Furthermore, take the case of Elon Musk, a South Africa born guy who has risen to house hold name status in the West. Musk has faced little of the stigma or systemic barriers that migrants from African nations, particularly Black migrants. 

His dominance in the tech and business worlds is celebrated without the need to prove humility, a privilege not afforded to Black South Africans or African immigrants in many parts of the world. This in my opinion proves a wider pattern of preferential treatment towards certain migrants, especially those of European descent.

Such double standards aren’t confined to isolated incidents but are a global phenomenon. For example:

  1. Australia's "Stop the Boats" policy, which aggressively turns away migrants from the Middle East and Asia, despite its historical openness to European settlers.
  2. The United States' treatment of Haitian migrants compared to that of Cuban migrants, where the former face harsher deportation policies despite fleeing similar conditions of poverty and instability.
  3. The UK's Windrush scandal, where Caribbean immigrants who helped rebuild post-war Britain were wrongly deported decades later, despite their contributions to the country’s development, while European immigrants face no such systemic persecution.

These are basic starter examples of bias, perhaps rooted in ancient survival mechanisms, where groups who appear different are treated as a threat, while those who appear similar are welcomed. 

Could it be that these prejudices are subconscious echoes of ancestral encounters between modern mankind and the Neanderthal kind, passed down through millennia? 

This theory may offer a provocative lens through which to process modern-day racism, xenophobia, and the complex layers of human social behavioral pattern.

And kindly note, Neanderthals are our distant African cousins too, so far no data has located their origin anywhere else but Africa, kindly refrain from using this as bait material,  in my reality race has no basis, not even in science, it's illogical, genetics not skin tone are the activating words, the password. 



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