Dear spirituality, magicians, witches, warlocks, woo-woo people (so-called), gurus, metaphysicians, pataphysics_scientists, shamanic artists, ETC. ETC.


Dear spirituality, magicians, witches, warlocks, woo-woo people (so-called), gurus, metaphysicians, pataphysics_scientists, shamanic artists, ETC. ETC. 

I hope this email finds you well and compliments of the season.

I have a few elementary questions, although I was once told by a friend in Augmort (Hugmonte?) that all questions are silly. After all, we are here on Earth and not there in Augmort (Hugmonte?). Nonetheless, I believe these questions are worth asking:

  1. Why is it difficult for some people to control travel speed during astral projection/out-of-body experiences? Even with a directional turn against the invisible but dominant current, it seems as if it takes much effort. Is this related to experience, or does it have something to do with a soul's evolutionary stage influencing personal travel speed?

  2. Why are certain structures impenetrable for some and penetrable for others during out-of-body experiences (OBE)? Does a soul's evolutionary stage affect this as well? For example, if one sleeps in such a building, like the old Chelsea Police Building Station Jail in London, England, would projection out of such a place be difficult or impossible?

  3. It's logical to conclude that physics in 3D reality does not apply to that of the astral realms or to us during OBE. My question is, who writes the laws or codes governing the astral world, and why? I notice on occasion that no matter the desire, certain information or sights cannot be accessed. One might even catch a glimpse of this, as if some invisible element is teasing one, but it's never clear. What governs these limitations?

  4. One of the most puzzling things during some out-of-body experiences or astral projections is the idea that willpower or breathing, even without the presence of a human body, affects altitude. Why would breathing, a basic human function, be associated with the astral world, where we don't even use human bodies, never mind breath?

  5. Is this a mental phenomenon? Despite the fact that it seems to help increase altitude on occasion, what is the connection? It appears convoluted, like trying to tie a neat bow on confusing aspects.

I look forward to your enlightening education and feedback.

Warm regards,


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