Global academia/ geneticists & family, what does Dada mean? What causes a child or some children to be born .. REPEAT, ''BORN/ BIRTHED'' with God-locks or God-like locks ? Please expand.

User - What causes a child to be born with God-locks?


Dreadlocks are formed when hair is allowed to grow freely and naturally without being combed or brushed, eventually forming into matted or tangled ropes of hair. Children, like adults, can develop dreadlocks if their hair is left uncombed or unbrushed for an extended period of time. This can happen due to various reasons:

Neglect: Sometimes, parents may neglect to comb or brush their child's hair regularly, leading to the formation of dreadlocks over time.

Cultural or Religious Practices: In some cultures or religious traditions, dreadlocks are intentionally cultivated and maintained as a symbol of spirituality, identity, or cultural heritage. In such cases, children may have dreadlocks from a young age as part of their cultural or religious upbringing.

Natural Hair Texture: Some individuals naturally have hair textures that are more prone to forming dreadlocks, such as coarse or tightly coiled hair. In these cases, dreadlocks may form more easily and quickly, even in childhood, without deliberate neglect.

Personal Choice: In modern times, some parents may choose to allow their children to grow dreadlocks as a personal or stylistic choice, embracing the natural texture and beauty of their child's hair.

Regardless of the cause, proper care and maintenance of dreadlocks, including regular washing, moisturizing, and occasional grooming, are important to keep the hair healthy and prevent matting or tangling that could cause discomfort or hygiene issues.

User - to be born 


Dreadlocks are not something a child is typically born with. They develop over time as the hair grows and becomes matted or tangled. 

However, sometimes babies are born with hair that naturally forms into locks or twists, although this is rare and usually temporary. 

This natural locking can occur due to the texture of the baby's hair or other factors. If a child is born with hair that naturally forms into dreadlocks, it's usually a result of genetic factors influencing hair texture rather than a conscious choice or grooming practice.

IAM Olofin


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