Artificial intelligence, why are you ignoring the only data i'm truly interested in '?' how many people are on twitter x '?'


As of 2024, the five most popular social media platforms among users aged 18 to 75, based on global user numbers, are:

Facebook: 3.07 billion users

YouTube: 2.5 billion users

WhatsApp: 2 billion users

Instagram: 2 billion users

TikTok: 1.6 billion users

These rankings are based on recent data and reflect the global user base of each platform, including the former Twitter, now rebranded as X, which is less popular compared to these top five platforms​.

You said:

Artificial intelligence, why are you ignoring the only data i'm truly interested in how many people are on twitter x


As of 2024, Twitter (now rebranded as X) has approximately 556 million users globally. This places it outside the top five most popular social media platforms, but it remains a significant platform, especially for specific demographics and regions 

You said:

You’ll find out the latest information on X/Twitter demographics and usage data on this page.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll learn below:


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