Complex layers of human social behavior. Could it be that these are subconscious echoes of ancestral encounters between us modern Humans- Homo_Sapiens ALIAS '' Homo diddyoil'' and Homo_Neanderthals?
What if some of the traits we see in people from Europe, Africa, and Asia—particularly in India [ Dalits or their so called Black untouchables] —are in today's world of free education / much improved scientific chivalry and honesty from even European/ Arab/ Asian ETC scientists blatant manifestations of deeply embedded Neanderthal genetics, subconsciously influencing behavior even today? Does the intelligence of anyone who thinks this has no basis or who finds this deduction totally illogical need to be questioned, scrutinized before God, Man and Data. One striking example is the town of Orania in South Africa, a place where racial segregation continues as you read, and Black residents are notably absent despite being in the heart of a predominantly Black continent. Orania is in South Africa which is a country, a prominent country in Africa. While this isn't an attempt to cast blame solely on the so described and titled separately, the separatists called Oranian...
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